Moped Kühlwasser wird weniger und Öl rinnt aus?
Hallo. Ich habe eine Rieju mrt 50 und das Kühlwasser wird mitverbrennt. Es liegt aber nicht an den Zylinderdichtungen, da die alten Dichtungen noch gut waren, ich jetzt trotzdem neue verbaut habe und es nix gebracht hat. Auserdem kommt aus dem Vergaser so eine graue ölige Flüssigkeit raus und hinter dem Vergaser ist so ein kleiner Hahn am Motor und aus dem kommt auch dieses Öl raus. Was kann das Moped haben?
It can be that you have a hairline at the cylinder or at the cylinder head and with increasing temp. the crack becomes wider and the water then penetrates into the combustion chamber.
Get your temp. ad when you drive with the moped
I have no temperature indicator. I installed a 70 cm cylinder, I drove about 80 km without any problems, but in the meantime did not attack the cylinder. So I can imagine he’s got a crack. In addition, I took the cylinder down and then pressed the head with the hand on it, filled water during the cooling water inlet and waited. The combustion chamber remained completely dry.
Do you know what a hairline is?
Hair cracks become larger or expand with heat and under pressure.
There is no water flowing through streams, but only a very small amount, but in the long run you lose a whole lot
It can also be material defects on the cylinder. Build the old 50. Cylinder back on it and take a time to watch if you have water loss. If so, then it was your 70 ccm cylinder that made you trouble
Yeah, I know what a hairline is. But the water goes away very quickly. Yeah, I can try.
Why don’t you go to the KFZ mechanic? He can tell you everything and fix it.