Moped Aufbau und Technick?

Ich würde gerne mehr über den Aufbau und die Technick von Mopeds (Gatschhupfer) erfahren denn ich hab wirklich keine Ahnung was ein Kolben oder so ist 😂 hat jemand eine gute Website wo ich mir das mal anschauen kann ? Oder sonstiges ? Wäre mega lieb danke

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6 years ago

If you have no idea about this, this is quite high level but look in

The piston moves up and down in the cylinder. It is pressed down because the spark plug emits a spark at the top of the cylinder, which then lets the inflowing gasoline explode. The piston is fixed to the crank shaft, which moves some shafts in the motor up to the pinion on which the chain sits which leads to the rear wheel.
So this is rough, here again as a poem the principle of the 2tacter

Wanted performance on the wave,
must place the sauce
where the spark jumps,
so that the piston sings correctly 😁

6 years ago

A website also does not know, but since the meiates mopets are two-clocker it may be helpful to look at the construction of such a motor