Moped Aprilia rx 50?
Leute, hab mein moped warmgefahren und dann probiert denn vergaser einzustellen, habs dann als probierz bis es klappt aber kein Erfolg, die geht nur mit choke an und dreht dann einfach sau hoch mache die aber immer schnell aus weil die jz kalt ist.. Mein problem wie bekomme ich es wieder normal hin 🙁 geht kaum bis garnicht an..
That’s how the 50s scooter is, it should be similar to you.
Motor absolutely warm driving
Air mixing screw (the small one that is almost sunk) almost completely in and then turn 1 turn out
Stand gas on the stand gas screw (the longer knurled screw with the spring) to approx. Set 1200 to 1500 revolutions
The air mixing screw as long as LANGSAM is turned out until the highest number of revolutions has been achieved
Adjust stand gas to about 1200 to 1500 revolutions
Turn and wait for only 1/4 to 1/2 revolution on the air mixing screw.
It may take some time to notice the change.
1.Make sure the A,right nozzle is in.B.Make sure it doesn’t draw any wrong air.
When the engine is running, it is best to apply with brake cleaner, to spray gaser and cylinder. If the speed changes, then the error has been found.
2.Whoever checked everything and is okay, then go (just as) ahead.
Set the carburetor
Everything with running engine.
1.Motor well warm.
2.Stand Gas increase slightly
3.Co, screw in.
4.Stand gas so far that it’s still on.
5.Co,screw gaaaanz slowly turn out until the highest speed point is reached (always only 1/4 revolutions,10sec, wait)
6.Stand Rotate and customize gas down.
Now 5min,run,and set again to get an accurate result
The engine is to be set at most 3min,forgot,otherwise overgreases.
Please decide if it worked.
I can’t drive her warm because she doesn’t run.. Is everything original
1.Then clean necessarily the nozzle, best with pressure air
2.Renew tint,respect for correct heat
3. does not bring anything, then spray simultaneously with brake cleaner into the air filter during the start attempt.
If the moped still doesn’t jump, then it’s not all original.