Moped 50ccm, hinterreifen kurz blockiert?

Servus, ich habe seit längeren eine Gillera smt 50 2017.

Nach kurzer Zeit habe ich einen Sportauspuff (Hebo Krümmer, Enox esd. und einen Sportluftfilter) angebracht. Habe auch die Hauptdüse zu einer 98er gewechselt.

Das Moped ging sehr gut, bis zu dem Zeitpunkt wo mir währendend dem Fahren bei ca. 94 km/h der Hinterreifen blockierte.

Ich konnte das Moped wieder anstarrten und nach Hause fahren, jedoch hört man bei laufendem Motor ein komisches Geräusch, wie ein kleiner Stein im Motor..

Heißt das Anreiber, oder gibt es noch irgendwelche Anzeichen für so etwas. Was könnte man tun?



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4 years ago


If you look at a used cylinder exactly, you can see that every 2-stroke has to eat. You don’t realize that when driving, there’s no consequential damage.

However, if the rear wheel is blocked, the piston was extended by the heat so that it was locally clamped. This leaves traces and damage to the cylinder wall and the piston. When the piston has cooled down and become smaller, the engine was free again and you could drive home.

The noise says the cylinder or the piston has sustainably damaged. Both must be exchanged.

The tuning of 2-strokes is a tricky thing. Everything must be coordinated. The manufacturer has done thousands of attempts until he has found the ideal vote. Each change deteriorates the overall properties.


4 years ago

Sounds like a piston clamp. That should be a professional.

4 years ago

I’m guessing that your whole tuning company has made the engine the Garaus. Incoming connecting rod bearing damage or macke on the crankshaft bearing can be the same as a piston clamp or even a piece is torn off from the piston.

4 years ago
Reply to  Grilliii

Disassemble the engine. Heads and cylinders are a small thing to dismantle. Then you can see if the crankshaft has something. Who’s that, and you don’t have a real idea of that, should keep it. I recommend looking for a motor!