Moped 50ccm 60kmh Problem mit Polizei?

So hallo ich hätte eine Frage

Will mir demnächst ein Beta RR 50 zulegen.

Diese fahre ich mit dem AM Führerschein also Rollerführerschein und ich kann beim Händler die Original Version nehmen mit dem Orginaltzu mit 45kmh oder eine leicht endrosselte Version mit 60kmh. So und nun zu meiner Frage.

1. Sagt die Polizei was und hält mich an wenn sie mich zum Beispiel mit 55-60 kmh fahren sehen?

2. Was kann ich für eine Strafe bekommen wenn 10-15 kmh zu schnell bin

Vielen Dank im voraus schon Mal für die Antworten!

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4 years ago

It doesn’t matter how much kmh you drive too fast. If you drive too fast (with deduction of tolerance) and you do this at 55/60 kmh (unless you drive a very old mofa with stock protection), then you drive without a driving permit. This gives at least one fine and one license lock of 2 years. Then you’ll only drive 20 cars. Besides, you wouldn’t be insured anymore.

4 years ago
Reply to  User9753478

Besides, you wouldn’t be insured anymore.

How do you think that compulsory insurance should not be provided?

4 years ago
Reply to  wattdennnu2

she’s just getting the money from you.

4 years ago

Don’t you understand anything? Or are you not reading any comment?

4 years ago

The penalty is he has no insurance cover.

4 years ago

…what does that have to do with my question?

4 years ago

He shouldn’t have been on the street. If he hadn’t been on the street, the accident wouldn’t have happened.

4 years ago

…but only when the manipulation on the two-wheeler : the traffic accident. Furthermore, the regression is capped to max. 5,000€.

4 years ago

Only old ones are allowed 50 and even old ones more swallows, Simson, etc.

all other new 45 km/h

what you get delivered from the work and you do nix and the 5 km/h more does not crow a tap.

everything else is driving without a driving permit and driving without valid insurance protection as well as Erlische der Betriebserlaubnis

Tuning etc.

I advise you

driving legal and everything is good

4 years ago

That would be insurance fraud and drive without a driver’s license.

However, there are mopeds with which you can drive Full Legal with AM driving license 60Km/h. These include all small motorcycles who had their first operation in the former GDR until 28 February ’92.

4 years ago
Reply to  Krabat693

drive without driver’s license.

That’s not right. It would be driving without a driving permit.