Montagehilfe von Teilen in Frankfurt?

Hallo zusammen,

derzeit befinde ich mich mitten im “kleinen” Umbau von meinem 1er BMW. Die Montage von folgenden Teilen fehlen noch:

  • Frontspoilerlippe
  • LED Scheinwerfer für aktuelle Halogen (Plug-n-Play)
  • Dynamische Blinker am Aussenspiegel

Kennt jemand von euch ein Unternehmen, die so etwas in Frankfurt machen? Habe bereits in verschiedensten Werkstätten angerufen und diese verneinen den An,- und Einbau, da sie damit keine Garantie mehr haben.

Liebe Grüße

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2 years ago

Just try a carousel workshop.

If the Master has shot that, for example, the LED lights installed by him will expire after 3 weeks and he would have to pay a new one, I can calm him down!

It must only be shown on the invoice that the parts have been placed by the customer. i.e. in case of a failure, you would have to keep yourself undamaged as a customer at the dealer or manufacturer.

Here you would be entitled to reperature, conversion or replacement. i.e. new lamp, old lamp repair or just money back. The costs for the EIn and They don’t have to take over as they originally sold you the lamp, but not the service of the installation or Expansion.

Lg, Anna

2 years ago

Actually, everything you can do yourself.

I understand the workshops. It would have to give to the basic guarantee, but would like to avoid this.

You’re gonna be really hard. There may be one or the other hobby workshops in Frankfurt where you may also get help, or you may ask for someone to come from your area and help you in relevant forums.

2 years ago

There are some.