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2 years ago

theoretically yes, but not such monster trucks as you know from the USA. I think it’s more than hard to get a road permit. Nevertheless, I remember reading that about 1000 monster trucks exist in Germany and should also drive on motorways. But how much they resemble the monster trucks in the USA I can’t say.

As far as tyre size is concerned, I don’t think this will be the extreme obstacle as they usually resemble Dignitions tractor tyres, and if the tractor is fast enough it can also be on the highway.

2 years ago

Legal on private grounds. On public roads subject to the StVO, vehicles are subject to certain definitions and therefore also sizes and broad. If these are exceeded, need a special permit, a protective vehicle that drives you behind and police escort!

2 years ago

If you want to drive it on public roads, you’ll probably need a truck driver license. A real monster print is 4 meters wide. You don’t get a road permit.

On a lawn you can only drive if it’s your lawn, or if you have permission. But you have to come to this meadow in some way, and that’s probably just a special transport.