Monitor zurückgeben Mediamarkt?

Wie haben den Monitor hingestellt und haben gemerkt daß er viel zu groß ist wir haben aber alle Kabel usw schon ausgepackt aus den versiegelten tüten kann man den noch zurück geben weil der ist ja voll funktionsfähig?

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1 year ago

The return policy of retail stores such as MediaMarkt may vary, but there are some general guidelines that apply in most cases:

  1. Return period: MediaMarkt usually has a fixed deadline for returning articles, often 14 days after purchase. Check on your purchase document or on the Company’s website to confirm the exact return period.
  2. Condition of the product: Most shops allow the return of products as long as they are in a resale state. This means that the article should be undamaged and contain all original packaging, accessories and documentation. Even if the cables were unpacked, the monitor should usually be returned, provided that it is not damaged and everything is packed cleanly.
  3. Return with the purchase document: Make sure you provide the purchase document or invoice when returning the monitor. This is an essential proof of purchase and purchase date.
  4. Subsidiary: If the return is accepted, you will normally refund the purchase price. The refund is often made in the same way as the original payment (e.g. on the same credit card).
  5. Contact Customer Service: If you are unsure whether a return is possible, contact MediaMarkt’s customer service best before returning the monitor. You can give you specific information on the return policy.

Note that some shops for open electronic articles can charge a refill fee or limit the return. However, this varies depending on the dealer and location.

I strongly advise you to deliberately damage a screen or any product to claim it as defective. This would be fraudulent and unethical. But also ove possibility.

1 year ago

Are you registered with myMediaMarkt? The Media Markt customer program? Then you also have a right of return in the store – for 28 days.

1 year ago

It’s a big deal, but you don’t have a right.

The right of return for over 14 days is only available for purchases on the Internet, when purchases in the store are not the case.

The reason is that on-site trade there is the possibility to look at the goods accurately, this is not the case online.

The media market will probably take you back, but this usually only with a voucher, not with a cash payout.

1 year ago

In stationary retail there is no exchange or right to return. But for the sake of culture it could work

1 year ago

You don’t have a right to return with perfect goods, but Media Markt is quite kulant, you can try.