Monitor schwarze Striche?
ich habe mich Heute ganz normal an meinen PC gesetzt, als plötzlich mein (neuer) Monitor diese schwarzen Striche/Streifen bekam. (siehe Bilder)
Nach einer Zeit sind die verschwunden und jetzt 5 Stunden später sind sie wieder da.
Es liegt nicht an der Grafikkarte. Auch nicht am HMDI Kabel oder an dem Monitor.
Weiß jemand wie man die wegbekommt oder was die Ursache ist?
Denn in etlichen Internetforen ist nichts gutes.
Danke im voraus
If it is not a driver problem, then it is most likely a hardware defect.
But it comes and goes, and that’s what a new monitor does? The two weeks worked perfectly?
You write “It’s not on the graphics card. Also not on the HMDI cable or on the monitor”. But I think it must be one of these three components if it is not a software problem (driver). When it comes and goes, I’m thinking more about a hardware-issue than a software-side fault. You should isolate the individual hardware components to find out what the problem is about. An electrical wobble contact is also conceivable, so I would check again whether all cables are connected in a nicely flush manner. On the software side, I would check whether the resolution and the refresh rate are realistic.
Take another cable or another graphics card port (if available). Check whether the contacts are clean, or whether there is dust etc. in the connection sockets.
Wackel contact can be, but how could you fix that?
A graphics card defect looks different..(Bunter).
It seems to be a cable problem here.
Wackel mal am KAbel, if necessary
already tried