Monitor Marke?


ich möchte mir demnächst einen neuen Monitor zulegen und gucke Grad im Internet. Ich kenne mich zwar aus, aber die Marke kenne ich nicht und bin deswegen leicht skeptisch. Kennt ihr euch mit der Marke „Gamepower“ aus?

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1 month ago

I’ve heard about this brand before. They use samsung pannels. but often it is so with such brands that these rather cheap image controllers use that can already lead to unpleasant behavior of the image, especially at high image repetition rates. In addition, due to my own experience, I would suggest to you on a 1440p monitor at 27 inches.

1 month ago

360 mink together with 27 inches and 1440p can not be found so easily for the price. But in person, I would rather not tend to such high image recovery rates and put more on sync techniques and image/color accuracy. Look at this, maybe it’s something for you.