Monitor – suitable?
Hey, is this monitor suitable for PS5 Fortnite etc. since it is supposed to have up to 165HZ?
Thanks for your help!
If a PC has both a VGA and an HDMI port and you connect a monitor to each port, would they both work (with the same image)? As far as I know, multiple keyboards would "clash" on different USB ports.
Is it better to use a DisplayPort or HDMI cable for gaming? Games on a gaming PC
My living room is always nice and bright around midday and afternoon, as it's south-facing. Now I'm wondering if my OLED will be damaged if it's turned off and the sun shines on it. When I watch TV, I automatically pull the blinds open so it's dark. Only when I'm working from home is it…
Can Baby Cat also knock over a PC and PS5, or is it unlikely, since it's heavier than PC speakers? And the monitor was slightly different. How much weight can these PC speakers withstand?
Hello folks, For whatever reason, I sometimes have this problem where my internet connection seems to be slowing down, or whatever the cause is. It's not really working in Discord, for example. When I talk to my friends, it sometimes gets up to 5000 ms/ping. In games like League of Legends, I get a "Reconnecting"…
Good day, I wanted to use my PC normally and then my monitor somehow wouldn't turn on. I've already plugged and unplugged all the cables and it still doesn't work. What could be the problem? PS:The monitor is actually quite new Thanks in advance
Mehr als 120fps bei der Playstation wird schwierig, aber der Monitor sollte gehen.
LG Madlion
Ist es technisch ausreichend oder gibt es bessere für die PS5?
Kommt drauf an was in deinem Budget passt, aber dieser Monitor sollte passen