Monitor fällt oft aus?

Ich habe einen neuen Monitor geschenkt bekommen, der hat 240 hz und kommt von der Marke OZONE. und ist neben meinem zweiten Monitor an meinen PC angeschlossen. Was mir gleich aufgefallen ist, ist dass das Stromkabel sehr dünn ist, das musste aber ja nichts heißen, aber er fällt oft aus, so 6-7 mal in der stunde gerade, es wird aber immer schlimmer. Ich habe die Vermutung, dass das Kabel zu dünn ist, oder dass mein ganzen PC-Setup, weil es alles an einer Steckdose angeschlossen ist ja vielleicht zu viel Strom verbraucht, aber ich kenne mich damit nicht so aus. brauche Hilfe, bin gerade junger pro Spieler und kann mir keinen Monitor mehr leisten.

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9 months ago

I suspect that the cable is too thin

How thick or thin the cable is has nothing to do with the specifications of the cable. If you use the correct cable, which has been supplied with your monitor, this can’t be the problem unless it was broken.

or that my whole PC setup because it’s all connected to a socket yes maybe too much power consumed

A single household socket releases up to 3500W. This is enough to be able to operate several PCs with multiple screens each.

To find out what’s going on, you have to find out:

  • If your monitor turns off completely, he’ll go to rest mode, or will he just get no signal? Because all these three things result from completely different things.
  • Is your monitor correctly configured and uses the correct resolution and refresh rate everywhere?
  • Is your PC possibly the problem? It may turn off as it is overheated or unstable under high utilization.
  • Is the connection cable the problem? Maybe try another cable or instead of HDMI DisplayPort or vice versa.
9 months ago
Reply to  ninjabokaj

No, if the monitor runs under the specified configuration, it doesn’t just overheat every few minutes. I think that probably just the cable has a problem or is not compatible, or that it has to do with any setting.