Monitor bei gebrauch zurückschicken?
Ich möchte mir einen 27zoll Gaming Monitor zulegen und diesen aufbauen um zu sehen ob dieser mir zu groß wirkt. Ich habe die Maße bei meinen Schreibtisch ausgemessen aber das kann man trotzdem schlecht einschätzen wenn man es optisch nicht sieht aufm Tisch. Meint ihr man kann den aufbauen und sollte dieser zu groß sein zurückschicken? Oder meint ihr dies ist nicht möglich bzw Amazon sehe das als keinen Grund an.
It shouldn’t fail in return.
However, I find it absolutely not to order this part only because of the size view. You can also assess and measure this beforehand.
None of the reasons apply in this case. You must not give a reason for revocation, even with Amazon.
I don’t like it anymore.
You can always send things back. The question is if you get your money back. You probably think you can revoke the purchase? This always goes with online shopping. But of course you don’t just send the article back, but you contact the seller and revoke the purchase.
Cut a cardboard and you can see it in detail.auvh a base can be replicated with cardboard and some glue.
Breathing still works?
purchased online, you can return it within the time limit (normally 14 days). If it has traces of use, it can be that you do not get the full amount back.
This is no reason to send the device back. This is only when the device does not work
That’s not true. Online purchases, and this is what Amazon is about, you can always revoke. You don’t even need to give a reason.
That’s not true. But good luck for the FS. It’s very questionable whether the whole money comes back again
Jesus. What’s going to be wild here if you can just question the BGB and government agencies?
In addition: protection/digital consumer protection/rueckgabe-undresrufrecht
I don’t mean to know better, I know the BGB.
If you think it’s better to know, it’s okay for me too
What you say is not that.
Okay. That’s it.
I don’t know your reality. For what reason should a certain amount be deducted and how should it be calculated? And to what extent does this correspond to the BGB? How many cases do you know this was supposed to have been?
The best idea of course has ChatGBT. I wouldn’t rely on that. It’s your money, too.
ChatGPT meant it doesn’t need a reason to send something back.
Because it’s reality. A certain amount is usually deducted
Why isn’t that true? Please explain to what extent you do not revoke online purchases and to what extent you should not get your entire money back?