Monatlich Millionen netto verdienen?
Kannst du dir vorstellen, dass du irgendwann monatlich mehrere Millionen Euro Netto verdienen würdest?
Kannst du dir vorstellen, dass du irgendwann monatlich mehrere Millionen Euro Netto verdienen würdest?
Für ein Singel
Welche Optionen gibt es alles bzw welche Voraussetzungen muss ich erfüllen um von Österreich in die USA auszuwandern?
Bin 22 und mache eine Schulische Maßnahme für die 34a Sachkundeprüfung. Bekommen wir während der Schulische Maßnahme noch Kindergeld?
Wie schon oben gesagt wollte ich fragen oder jemand Erfahrung mit diesem Kurs hat? danke im Voraus
hallo meine lieben. Ich W/12 werde übermorgen 13 und ich möchte einen Job machen es gehen ja Sachen wie Babysitten und sowas. Bei welchem verdient man am besten und ist nicht allzu scheiße? Also so Nebenjobs die man mit 13 machen kann:)
Meint ihr es kommt noch? Gestern war Feiertag und morgen ist Samstag. Bei meinem letzten Arbeitgeber kam es immer Ende des Monats zwischen 11 und 13 Uhr jetzt arbeite ich woanders. Kommt es heute noch um die Uhrzeit oder eher Montag? Auf meinem Vertrag steht bis zum letzten des Monats oder spätestens bis zum dritten…
Rather not, I’m miles away 😅 But who knows what’s in 10 or 20 years. I hardly do anything other than to work and noticed that a good idea with proper implementation can quickly multiply income.
Thank you. Millions of NETTOs per month are really a house number.
I come to a high 5digit net per month. That’s what my plan looks like. Evtl also comes to low 6 digits. But more oil isn’t inside. Otherwise you have too much risk and too little free time.
Hello PateTaha,
Yes! That would be cool and would very sweeten my life night ðŸ
I could realize many of my dreams, donate a lot and my family would of course also benefit! But unfortunately, no rather sure, an unrealistic dream….
Greetings, underdogs969
All there was and what there was was and started a dream at some point.
I don’t play a lottery and my job is well paid, but to get to the numbers you mean, a “small miracle” has to happen…
But you’re right, because you can never know and I suddenly get a lot from somewhere..💰.💴.💸.💲..💲.💲!🤑🤑.
I think most users here (included) would be happy if they had a million euros as total assets at all. ;
Finally a correct answer. But most of here have actually written that they don’t want it🤷🏻 ♂️😃
I could imagine anything.
Very nice. The imagination must not have a limit.
Sure, with corresponding inflation possible.
In today’s bill euro, I would go to work for a maximum of one year.
Then I would ask myself what I would do with all the money. I already donate something from my fortune….
I can imagine. a brain should be able to
But a very special brain naturally
yes it should be the at least 6-10 years old.
ne actually every brain which is over 10 years old
No. What should I do with all this money? I don’t have a fuck
You don’t have to do anything with such a salary, you can hire people who do it for you.
And what do I do all day? Nothing? How boring.
I don’t have money without millions. With millions, you have other worries.
There are people volunteering without pay, can you imagine?
I can imagine everything. I worked volunteers too. But I don’t think it makes sense.
I can’t imagine.
So much money does not change you for the better.
I am satisfied with my merit and need not worry
money makes but happy
I think you’re less worried, but I’m sure you’re not happy alone.
The happiest people stink like an animal when they come home from work in the evening and are received by Mrs./Kind.
yes new gkückshormone
then there are still tuner cars you can do = more fun and noxh sooo much
new 🙂
new ferrari
ferrari replaces everything
We humans need other people to be happy and that cannot replace money.
Maybe in the beginning, determined for several months.
But at some point it becomes a habit and then the lucky hormones are gone.
ne would be happier in nem ferrari
if I were sad and would earn so much I would buy a ferrari and would be happy
No, what? With 100,000 €/year you’ll be very close.
Yes, but with millions net monthly, you better get clear. You can’t stop with this salary, you can do anything. Think about it!
Salt means you work for someone else. An important intermediate objective is to avoid this.
Otherwise, you will not receive the 12 million/year. Ask the people what they do with 2-3 million: house, car, holiday. That’s what most people don’t think of. If all this is possible, 100,000, if necessary a little more. It doesn’t take a man 120 times.
No, I don’t.
Special opinion.