Monate vor Reise geheizt?
Hallo, eine Freundin mit der ich bald verreise (nach Südamerika) hat an Silvester(also vor über einem Monat vor dem Flug)gekifft. Jetzt hat sie Angst, dass das am Flughafen noch irgendwie nachgewiesen werden kann und sie nicht mitfliegen darf. Kennt sich da jemand aus?
Even if there was to be such a test, which I think is unlikely, a month after consumption would no longer be detectable. If that was the only consumption in recent times.
I’ve already traveled to all continents by flight, but I haven’t seen a drug test while checking in.
At the safety lock, people are searched by random system (or probably also by a targeted eye of officials) with which separate tests can be made. These are residues of explosives and drugs… almost like smoulder marks on the palms (no idea whether this is also called smoulder marks in drugs).
I’ve been done before.