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2 years ago

You could first make her a beautiful map with colorful paper, pictures (from her or from you) and congratulations maybe some lines in which you write her that you love her.

In addition, you could also look at flowers or/and chocolate for them at the supermarket (I know these are basics but why not).

Probably she would also be happy with a perfume, you can also find those who are not very expensive.

If you’re even younger and that with the things you buy yourself turns out to be more difficult, then you don’t like to make something beautiful you could make her e.g. jewelry from beads.

2 years ago

Ask her what she wants. Otherwise listen to her. Sometimes someone says by the way what he would like.

Of course you can also give her a beautiful box of chocolates and a somewhat more expensive shower or body lotion.

2 years ago

So sweet and thoughtless the question, will also be the gift…

How old are you? How old is the mom?

Bake cake, grow flowers, crochet pancakes, clean the bud, invite them to the cinema, give her a back massage with warm oil, just appreciate more (not just for birthday!)…

2 years ago

make her breakfast (maybe can help you paps)

2 years ago

…something your mom likes.