Newts in the pond?
We found newts at our house today. However, they were in our small garden pond, which has a hole in it and will therefore soon dry out. Since we wanted them to be happy and not dehydrate or anything, we made sure to create a better place for them to live.
We used another old pond and filled it halfway with water (rainwater), then we put in some stones and leaves and branches from the old pond so that they have enough places to hide and sit outside of the water.
Since, as mentioned, we used rainwater and also added some from the old pond, we're now hoping that there are enough small animals living in the water for the newts to eat. We've also set everything up so that they can go out into the wild at any time; the point was simply to provide them with a habitat, not to keep them trapped.
We also covered the pond with a mesh or net so that they can still get out without any problems, but definitely don't become bird food. There are seven newts in total.
My question: Are the newts doing well, or is there anything else we can/should do for them? Thanks in advance for your tips!
Greetings, Jojo
I have to say that I’m not a Molch expert, but maybe this page can help you here. Specially refers to ponds for pigs.
The mountain and thread mols, which are found in south-western Germany at above 150 meters above sea level, are not very long in the water but generally leave this in June. Where they live then you don’t have a garden under control, which can also be 2 km far away, which make considerable leaching.
Teichmolche stay a little longer. But aren’t full-aquatic either.
pond molks like aquatic plants. Mountain and thread pitches place very low requirements on the water, but fallaub on the ground, bonses, a grassy area or something are popular. It is also good if the water is relatively flat.