Moin weiß jemand von euch ob die beta RR125 racing 2t gedrosselt auf 15 PS noch gut geht?

Moin ich werde bald 15 und wollte fragen ob jemand weiß ob die beta RR125 racing 2t gedrosselt auf 15 PS noch gut geht.lG

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3 years ago

Originally the Karre I mean 39 hp, is actually designed as a racing machine and not for everyday road use. According to this, they should have a rather stupid and costly maintenance plan and be quite susceptible to the engine. In this case, a motor throttle on 15 hp would certainly not contribute to the further well-being of the engine. Does it have to be those?

3 years ago
Reply to  Louis1702282

I can’t recommend you because these little scratches are really not my site, but there are now enough enduros or sumos on the market….