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Hello Torius,
Yes the Spanish 2€ coin is a misprint.
Correct imprints, which are also evaluated as such, usually do not circulate.
They are sorted out.
If they come into circulation like your coin, Sammer already pays a little more than the orbit.
This information is on the coin.
Faulty embossments arise due to errors in the coin image and only, either before or during the embossing process. As a rule, such coins are recognized and sorted out in the embossing institution. But some coins can get into circulation.
All damages or traces of use are not considered to be embossed.
manipulation of the coin is under penalty and the coin is worthless.
The following are considered:
Use of outdated stamps, embossing on wrong round, die rotation, double embossing, fence end, embossing weakness, decentralization, double sinking, light radiant embossing.
The collector value of a coin is always dependent on the condition:
PP = Polished plate single embossing of polished stamp, field deep gloss,
no damage.
pl = Proof like corresponding PP, overall field deep gloss,
no damage.
st = stamp gloss, uncirculated, no damage.
vz = excellent coin was already in circulation, in the field minimal use
traces, relief impeccable, edge without major errors.
ss = very nice already noticeable signs of use in the field and on the edge,
s = nicely picked, scratches, edge damage, elevated places
in the field, partially no longer recognizable.
This allows you to determine the value of your coin.
Your coin could be around 10-20€ and more depending on Zuatand.
Thank you for your help and assessment! I didn’t even have coins in the subject, but I just noticed it and I thought maybe she’d get something.
Well, from the tens of thousands of coins that were shown here, this reflection comes closest to a misprint.
It’s just a “light mirror” but it’s one.
The value should be in the high double-digit range.
Yes I have already been able to title many normal tolerances as a misprint, but someone here also wrote that she was apparently fake because it is so unlikely that she has been in circulation since 99, can there be something? And where do you get that kind of fair selling without you getting ripped off or something? Mf
No one fakes this, the effort is too big, with only one coin. And the ones who write this thing have no idea about this topic.
The one that has remained undetected in this way, because the mistake on the front is not so noticeable, or most of them do not look at it.
Put the coin on the net for sale and see how much you can offer collectors or something.
50 – 80 euros, according to the seller’s happiness.
Will be a fake. It’s not worth anything. It is not possible that such a deformed coin has been circulating since 1999.
Well, I don’t know anything about it, I just discovered it in the Portmonee today and I apparently got it as a change in the supermarket. And there’s fakes with that? And how do I get out of whether it’s one or original?
Don’t tell you about people who don’t know.
Believe what you want. In 25 years, this coin would have been withdrawn 100 times.
$2 for me.
Yes, but the inner part is absolutely not centered.
Ask for collector pages
Have you been looking for something like that, but don’t know, so I thought I’d be here, do you know where to ask?
Unfortunately not. I’m sorry
Ok anyway thank you