Möhren, Karotten gut für die Augen?

Möhren sollen gut sein für die Augen. Wegen Beta Karotin.

Es heißt ja, Karotten sind gut für die Augen, oder hast Du schon einen Hasen mit Brille gesehen.

Nöö habe ich nicht.

Ich habe auch keinen Löwen mit Brille gesehen. Und der isst nicht ganz so viele Möhren.

Was soll ich tun?

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8 months ago

My eyes are not very good, although I often eat carrots, I think it will change time to cucumbers that taste better

8 months ago

In general, the vitamins contained in carrots are important for the health of the eyes, and thus for good vision, but it is not possible to align them against mistiness, because short-sightedness, long-sightedness and astigmatism are based on genetic predisposition and the conditions for this are simply in anatomical circumstances which are not to be influenced by external influences, i.e., unfortunately, also not with the feeding of kilos.

8 months ago

Carrots should be good for the eyes. Because of Beta Karotin.

Carrots have no influence on our vision.

Scientists at the University of California have followed the myth and found that although the vitamin A contained in carrots is healthy for the human eye, the vision is not improved.


However, a vitamin A deficiency can also lead to blindness.

https://www.zeiss.de/vision-care/round-view/health/health care/in-karotten-gut-fuer-die-augen.html

What am I supposed to do?

Of course you can eat 1-2 carrots every day, but the body can absorb the beta carrot from raw carrots only with difficulty. Therefore add fat so that the vitamin is better absorbed by the body.

8 months ago

Delete question and go to the ophthalmologist to answer the actual question. Are you Clarence?

They’d be good for the eyes, but no one could eat that, and that every day.

No matter where they are healthy and even good for dental health. I love carrots. Even in the orange variety there are differences

8 months ago

Carrots are nutritious and healthy, but their consumption guarantees no improvement in eye health.