Möhren essen um braunere/orangenere Haut zu bekommen?

Es wird ja immer behauptet man könnte der Bräune seiner Haut etwas gutes tun, indem man Möhren/Karotten ist.

Mich würde interessieren, ob das wirklich stimmt und was man dabei beachten muss. Ist es zum Beispiel relevant, ob man die Möhren roh isst oder kann man sie auch z.B. braten. Außerdem frage ich mich wie viel Gramm man am Tag dafür essen müsste, um einen Effekt zu erkennen.

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4 months ago

For this, you would have to eat a few kilos a day so that you have the minimum impact. And I don’t think you can eat so many carrots that would have any effect.

There was once a test of the reporter who did this and I think it has actually eaten two to three kilos of it over several weeks a day and it was just a minimal difference. And eating so many carrots is not healthy again because too one-sided.

4 months ago

Hey 👋🏽

So I only know it from my brother who used to be small (so toddler) has eaten many carrots (cooked and also raw). But he only got an orange nose.

I hope I could help you.


4 months ago

Theoric yes. Practically you can’t eat so much carrots to get an effect. But there are Carotin capsules.

4 months ago
Reply to  Johennn3112

Right. Besides, Carotin is more yellow than brown. But it should prevent a heart attack and lower the cholesterol level.

4 months ago

yes if you eat 2kg carrots every day then you will be orange

4 months ago

The skin looks more orange-yellowish.

I knew a mother who always gave her daughter carrot juice to the bottle instead of this “children’s tea”. The girl had such a skin tone.