Mögt ihr Weihnachten?
Hilfe ich habe ein Problem meine Oma hat in 4 Tagen Geburtstag und ich muss ihr so schnell wie möglich ein Geschenk SELBER MACHEN NICHT KAUFEN Ich mache jedem in meiner Familie etwas selber ich habe zb schon ganz oft ein Paket gemacht wo ich sachen zu gekauft habe oder eine torte diesmal brauche ich…
Hi, Ich bräuchte wirklich Ideen was man Veganer zum zum Wichteln schenken könnte bitte schnell antworten danke!
I'm a girl, and I have three wish ideas so far, but I need six, so I'm a little desperate. And please don't tell me I can wish for makeup, I already have it. Thanks in advance
I just asked for my daughter. Now I'm wondering: Do you give your partner a wedding present? I think that's excessive, because I'm sure I won't get anything anyway, and he probably thinks it's pointless. But who did it and what was it? I'm thinking about making a photo book together, since we don't really…
A lot of stress and expectations that come under the pressure of tradition.
Luckily, nobody expects us to decorate our apartment Christmas, because all this stuff will be kept up all year round, only brings a lot of chaos and takes space away that we can use for more meaningful.
As a reason to meet the family, I like it.
Because it’s the most important festival in the year.
Christmas songs and the birth history of Jesus from the Bible. Expressly desired by the atheists of the family. Tradition for generations.
Christmas is just nice to go home and spend holidays in the circle of the family.
The mood is special and festive, with Christmas tree, food and gifts coming.
In addition, the whole Christmas season is a beautiful and atmospheric time in which everyday life is more intense than usual – with Advent calendar, Christmas lighting, sweets, Christmas market visit, etc.
… Christmas reminds of the birth of my Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ!
God himself became a human being to live in his own creation and finally to suffer as a substitute for the forgiveness of our sins. Because God loves us (cf. John 3,16!
As a family party, yes. I always have good memories of this feast, but the Christian part has become unimportant to me.
Christmas stop. Gifts, family, food, etc.
Christmas is a beautiful piece of resistance in our ever-changing world.
just annoying, I don’t have to have…just like Easter or Pentecost, completely unimportant for me…
3 days gifts already nice
I believe in God, I am Christ. For me, Christmas is an important Christian feast.
Yes I love the mood
The family meets and everyone comes to us according to DE 🙂
Of course.