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Sylt Song kaputt?
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I’m not a real fan, but some of his songs are atmospheric and he as a guy was always totally sympathetic to me, even if I saw an interview – he came over real, warm and friendly. His music otherwise accompanied me through my childhood and youth. When I was a kid, I thought he was cool because he was always stupid and funny. That’s how Tony Marshall was always present with us at home and on our “Ariola Super 20” plate, which I liked to hear as a child, I liked Tony’s song “I want to play with you”.
Songs like the Duette with Roberto Blanco (“Resi bring beer” and “Limbo on Jamaica”) as well as “Hoppladidi Hoppladada” have their identity rating and his big hits like “Beautiful Maid” are cult – and when I heard his new hit “Tausendmal on you” in 2009, I found it spontaneously successful for a hit.
But one must also see one thing very clearly: Tony Marshall has ramped up his voice (educated opera singers) in front of a loud “Schubbedabbedu” over the years, but also he was a great singer with a lot of feeling and melting – he started in the 60s with Chansons like “Aline” before he became the mood maker of the nation. Only when milkman Tevje in “Anatevka” he showed far later what he had on it.
Isn’t the music I’m getting a goose bump 🙂
If someone is interested in a really good voice – and that’s exactly what a good singer is – then Mr. Marshall would be a very suitable choice. He’s a state-tested opera singer.
I can agree with that!
I always found them extremely cheesy.