Mögt ihr Tatar?
Mögt ihr auch Rinder Tatar als Vorspeise?
Grob gehacktes rohes Rinderfilet mit gehackten Zwiebeln, Gürkchen und Kapern?
Und ein rohes Ei Untergemicht.
Echt lecker.
Mögt ihr auch Rinder Tatar als Vorspeise?
Grob gehacktes rohes Rinderfilet mit gehackten Zwiebeln, Gürkchen und Kapern?
Und ein rohes Ei Untergemicht.
Echt lecker.
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Tatar I always found very tasty. However, the thought has been lost to me in a regular way when I had to change to Vegetarian for the duration of about 20 years.
After that, I never came to that idea. With organic meat I could try – but WER probably starts a meat grinder for 100, max. 150 g Tatar? Archaic techniques of meat comminution would have to be developed first. 😉
I wouldn’t risk Sarmonella.
Plus the parts are just too expensive for an appetizer
I find disgusting, but I know several people who like it.
It’s not mine.
I used to share with my cat many times. But for them pure.
My wife and I like it very much, even from horse meat. But rather in the warm season and not too often.
I think it’s delicious. However, I eat this only rarely. Especially with such a thing, the quality and processing must be perfect. And that’ll cost so much.
Yeah, love that!
Yeah, I like it. But bread (or rolls) with fresh velvet and onions I even prefer a bit more.
Absolutely delicious. LG
Yeah, but Carpaccio (?) tastes better.
I don’t like it.
I just know Tatar chopped.
I think it’s okay, but I don’t have to.
Sooner yes, today I am very careful, there is no more slaughterer in our area.