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Es klingt unglaublich, ist aber wirklich wahr. In Südostasien sind frittierte Vogelspinnen eine Delikatesse. Würdet ihr sowas essen/probieren wollen? Bitte abstimmen, gerne mit kurzer Begründung.
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Fleisch nochmal einfrieren?
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ist sauvignon blanc lieblich oder trocken?
hallo. ich trinke gerade diesen wein (s. foto) und frage mich ob er lieblich oder trocken oder irgendetwas dazwischen oder außerhalb ist. vielen dank in foraus
I bought them to taste. I don’t understand the hype that tastes normal at most, but in no case better than others on the market
Do not find them bad from taste at all, and I also like the touch of the limes totally good – but unfortunately they are too sharp. Can eat 5 of them and then my whole mouth hurts.
Queso vulcano still goes but the rest I don’t think that’s so sharp, it has an eclectic taste I don’t like this lime taste
I just tried the blues because they’re so hype.
Personally, these were the most disgusting “chips” I’ve ever tried.
for me nd because in mexiko
have never seen and tried this before. But I think the packaging does not look so appetizing…
they are so delicious
I don’t like them.
To be honest, I’ve never come to taste the
And you?
Good night
Very disgusting.
Not yet tried
you have never heard of
I’ve never tried.
Once I tried and didn’t taste me.
never tried