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Yes but it depends – I eat. no tuna sushi and no butterfish sushi because the fish tastes funny and very tough, or it’s like gum. I eat only salmon sushi at Sushi but also crab empura and all makis. I like Sashimi very much.
Even if you hate sushi – everyone would definitely like to eat Kappa maki – this is only algae paper with rice and gurken.
I love sushi, it’s my favorite food!😋🍣
Come on, sushi. Here in Germany, stop etws is difficult to get really high-quality.
In principle, however, as long as the quality is correct.
Is too fishy 😅 there are still weeping leaves, but that’s nothing for me. Would that eat as a medicine, I always think of medicine I have to take.
If too fishy is not fresh enough.
One time tried, it was okay, not long after that in the emergency recordings.
Not mine.
I tried this once..
The taste of algae is nothing for me at all. Crude fish less
🌼 Sometimesscarry
Ne, I like sushi anyway.😅😊
LG Maike
I’ve never tried sushi before and I know without trying it that it doesn’t match my taste.
But yes
I don’t like it.
Nope. It’s not mine.
I don’t like sushi at all.
If, then only with a good Japanese. Not from the supermarket and not from the sushi building.
It’s always delicious.
Very much.
I haven’t tried yet
once tried, that was enough for me
Fair testimony.
Yes, very … < if it is high quality (!) Sushi is!
So no (!) “billig” sushi from the supermarket or something! ^^+gg
I don’t like raw fish.
You can go without fish.
I’ll leave it to others.
Ne thank you
Unsealed filth
What are you unhealthy about?
I’d ask, too. It is even very healthy when the fish is fresh! Besides, this is also without fish, is really delicious and healthy!
The salmon is filled with growth hormones and beta carotenes, and the nori leaf is full of heavy metal.
Millions of Japanese eat it…
Yeah, that’s why they look like them.
It is strange that the Japanese have the highest life expectancy, which is also attributed to their approach.
But hey the fat food in this country is naturally healthier.
All right…
Not healthy, they also have smaller eyes than us.
How do they look?
Sushi without.