Mögt ihr Pommes lieber mit Ketchup oder Mayo?
Ich mit Mayo aber hab gerade keine Mayo deswegen muss ich Pommes mit Ketchup essen
Hallo zusammen, Ich wollte fragen ob es nach 8h im Anschluss zur Zahnreinigung noch bedenklich ist was vom fastfood zu essen (PS habe gerade echt mega Bock drauf XD)?
besonderes im kalten Winter?
war früher richtiger Grill Fan. Mittlerweile schmeckt mir aber das Grillfleisch nicht mehr so wie früher. Sei es Hähnchen oder Kalbfleisch. Woran kann das liege ?
bei Rehen ist es ja so das die Mutter das dann sozusagen abstoßt/ nicht wiedererkannt wie ist das bei vögeln oder Tauben
I like Mayo better than Ketchup and I think it fits very well with Pommes! But I also like ketchup and I think that there is no right or wrong way to eat fries
Mayo, personally the only thing I eat with ketchup is fat sausage, so Viennese (even if I usually take mustard) or sausage stuff with something like hunting sausage.
Otherwise, Mayo about ketchup doesn’t matter what.
I like both to Pommes, but to other dishes I like only ketchup.
I always find very tasty and yummy sauce too. Both rather than ketchup.
If only mayonnaise and ketchup are available, I choose mayonnaise.
Hello be greeted.I love both on my fries.That just tastes delicious. Beautiful weekend I wish you.Lg Klose11
Depends on my mood, but most likely with sauce tartare
But ketshup is also clear, only if I order Mayo
If there is no Mayo, I would eat it without anything. I think ketchup’s bad.
Preferably red and with finely chopped onions.
Either Mayo, mixed or mixed with mustard.
Always mayo. But there are those who really taste terrible. So it only tastes some species
More Mayo.
I don’t like Mayo :/
Just Mayo.
I like Pommes with ketchup.
But still not mixed
velvet fresh onions
Onions are so 😂
I even order at every dish in restaurants
As soon as onions are in there, it’ll be unfit for me.
Everyone like He or You Want
That yes, but with onions I can’t really understand that 😂
that should not mean that you should not eat or enjoy
Makes me love