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WhatsApp, as it most use in my environment.
I’ve never had to do with Telegram, the app will probably never come to my phone.
Actually, I really don’t care. Even though I don’t think much about Meta, Telegram also ultimately uses data.
However, use Telegram more daily, as regular social circle also uses it primarily. On the other hand, at least since I’ve been singing, I’ve only used Whatsapp for a contact regularly and only a few times a week.
Much more useful features, clearer and more logical setup, desktop version runs 100x liquid and bug-free, the function groups publicly search, private phone number etc.
Have been using WhatSie under mint 21.2. Smooth liquid and hasn’t made any problems yet.
Hav Telegram never used therefore WhatsApp 😅 :).
Actually Telegram but in my circle everyone has only WhatsApp 😮 💨
I’ve never had anything else.
I use RCS Chat (former SMS)
Who doesn’t have it (iPhone) I write with WhatsApp
Neither. I use Threema.
Telegram will delete, I don’t use it anyway.
Team WhatsApp
WhatsApp more
I don’t know