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Nur einen auswählen !
Wen man mit 13 als Junge Jahren 125 kg wiegt ist das schlimm weil ich liebe halt meinen Bauch und möchte noch mehr zunehmen was haltet ihr davon ?
125 kg sind doch nicht viel oder mit 13 Jahren
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Like both
Thank you very much
Pasta in any variation.
Pizza is usually too fat.
A real Italian pizza with mozzarella, anchovies, capers, olives, artichokes, of course I like it. We got them in a vineyard in Toscana from the wood stove, fired with old vines. That was a pleasure.
Actually, I’d prefer pizza. However, it is also because I don’t really like eating noodles and that are only rarely on the plan (with pizza being made all the cheerful months with us). and with spaghetti there are also only two sauces that I like and that is either Bolognese or Pesto.
Pizza. After spaghetti, no matter how big the crowd, I always feel very sluggish and tired. There are many variations in pizza. So thin light OG pizzas go pure like nix and after that you can still be easy productive.
Definitely pizza.
The selection is difficult; I choose but for spaghetti – Spaghetti Carbonara…
Both I love 🤓
I like both.
Then prefer spaghetti
I find more delicious and you can enjoy more
rubber ball
Was there today with me Spaghetti Bolognese 🤓
Leaks 😋
Why not both?
Easy to combine😜
A spaghetti pizza or spaghetti from pizza?
spaghetti pizza
Sweet pizza.
I prefer pizza.
I don’t like pizza unless I make myself a home in the oven and after my performances. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
Love spaghetti