Mögt ihr lieber den Panamera GTS oder AMG A45s?
1. Welches dieser beiden Autos findet ihr optisch schöner?
2. Welches dieser beiden Autos würdet gerne besitzen (wenn sie kostenlos wären) ?
Panamera GTS
1. Welches dieser beiden Autos findet ihr optisch schöner?
2. Welches dieser beiden Autos würdet gerne besitzen (wenn sie kostenlos wären) ?
Panamera GTS
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Hey, Ich werde in ein paar Wochen 18 und brauche nun ein Auto. Momentan bin ich Azubi und verdiene ca. 900€ netto im Monat. Für das Auto an sich habe ich mir ein maximum von 12000€ gesetzt. Mir gefallen der Bmw 1er als F20 mit M-Paket, der Seat Leon fr, BMW 3er E90 oder der…
Hej Hej, —- ich hab ein Auto in Hamburg gekauft —- Das Auto ist vorher außer Betrieb gesetzt wurden Ich möchte jetzt in Berlin das Auto wieder zulassen. Ich habe eine Online Zulassung gemacht, aber jetzt kommt immer die Meldung: Die Überprüfung der zuständigen Zulassungsbehörde ist fehlgeschlagen. Der Abgleich der Fahrzeugdaten beim Kraftfahrt Bundesamt hat…
So if I had to decide between them, I’d rather be the A45. maybe just because I live on the Sauerland line. Earlier when I was still driving Audi, I still had to cross the Sauerland to lead my A4 to the A4 gassi….
was just fun! but seriously, even if I don’t like the A45 enough to buy one actively, I find the Porsche even more ugly.
A class uses a cheap cross motor platform
When comparing with a Mercedes, the other option is to win. If it is not necessarily a smart or a similar cookie can :’D
Edit: spelling… ups 🙃
A year ago this was even my everyday car. Very nice look and great driving feeling
Both ugly, but worse the Porsche.
I’d rather have a cash payout in case of a profit.
None of the carrots only appeal to me. And the cost-benefit factor is not given to me either. Inflated prolete crates that, from my point of view, are no more than tinted tail extensions.
both don’t really like me but the Mercedes looks terrible
I love Porsche too much more. But do you agree that the interior at the Mercedes is a little better?
No find the interior of the Panamera significantly more stylish and we are honestly comparing a Porsche with a Mercedes I don’t know 🤷 ♂️
I would always take the Porsche
I think Porsche is better. calibre
I am interested but the opinion of others does not have to please the car not others
Many find the ambience lighting of Mercedes mega and say that the seat heating is good, although Porsche can also have ambience lighting. :/ I think most women are celebrating Mercedes for it.
The Porsche. In everyday travel with a Porsche while my wife sits next to me, I find much more attractive than an A class.
👍 Which interior do you find better from the two cars? I can’t insert a picture here, but maybe you have it in your head.
But not in metallic ew
I wouldn’t want to drive. if it were given… the pork. you can sell for more money…
A Ferrari.