Mögt ihr Lakritz?
Und heißt es btw eig die oder das Lakritz?
Und heißt es btw eig die oder das Lakritz?
Hi ich habe heute selbstgemachtes, eis gemacht mc flurry mit 4 becher schlagsahne, und 1 dose gezuckerte kon densmilch, und 3 paeckchen vaniliezucker dann toppings drauf. Soll fuer 4 stunden ins gefrierfach alles ohne ei gemacht. Kann ich es morgen auch noch essen oder muss ich es sofort verzehren, oder kann ich es nochmal einfrieren?…
Ist es möglich das man zuerst einen mento runterschluckt und dann Cola drinkt das man dann aufgebläht oder so wird. Oder liegt es einfach nur an der Cola. Weil ich habe es getestet und es hat schon einen Unterschied gehabt.
As long as it’s not like a trash like spicy snails…
True Lakritz (100%) in bars I can feed until blood pressure explodes.
Why are lak-snails rubbing?
because they are just sweet and barely taste for Lakkriz
In my opinion, it has little to do with the right lakritze. Much too sweet and artificial
have to keep watching away potassium content in the blood
There are extra blood pressure-lowering drugs. One has to set priorities :]
Yes You can actually reduce your blood pressure in a natural way and Lakritz has further positive effects – for example you can also reduce the risk of thrombosis and it has a positive effect on throat pain.
The raw material is sweetwood root juice. Dried is exactly what becomes Lakritze, so it is almost raw material. Everything else is called in the Volksmund Lakritze.
Of course I love many of these Lakritz products, but the less Lakritze is actually in there, the less liked. It’s a matter of taste.
Look for “real lakritz” or pure, which are often sold in bars or fragments. Amarelli zB is very well known as a manufacturer. Omnomnomnom, tasty!
Edit: the other thing I said was confusing, yes. At first you were just ‘Haribo isn’t vegan’, the rest you wrote about it, so I wanted to write something together. :
I don’t know
Edit: oh, you had edited it. Now that makes sense with Vegan. Sorry!
Linux is an operating system and not Lakritz HääääÄ???
By the way, I use Arch Linux :]
Haribo is not vegan either. I don’t eat in general. In addition, if lakritz is not a raw material such as flour or syrup, does not make any sense
Haribo zB – 3% lakritz and a lot of bullshit.
I think of the brand
Ne generally likes lakritz not😅😂
And you?🍀
LG Hanzade2011💗🫶🏻🙂
Yes, but only sweet liquorice.
Rather no, very rare.
No, I don’t like Lakritz at all. 🙃🙂
LG Maike
I usually find Lakritz quite disgusting.
No just doesn’t taste me and will never taste me
Beautiful weekend 😀
I prefer salty, but eat any kind of it.
Yes tastes delicious and it means the lakritz as the word is neutral
I used to eat, not today!
As long as the Lakritz isn’t from Haribo.
It’s pretty hideous.
It’s hot bear dirt
Lol what?
I don’t know
I’m just eating the liquorice with sugar casting.
The Lakritz.