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2 years ago

I only got this on the edge so I don’t know exactly what’s going on with him, but he’s already said worrying things. It should be added that bullying and exclusion can lead to conspirative thinking, as studies show, which is also evolutionaryly meaningful, that conspiracies are suspected when one is demarcated and mooted. Therefore, people who are noticed by obscure statements should not be excluded yet, but instead try to get back to reality and re-integration into society.

2 years ago

Didn’t he say that he loves the good things about him, for example, the invention of microphones, which is vital for him and, for example, highways?
So at least I understood or think he meant it like that

2 years ago

tf so about his music you can have no idea but about him, that should be clear

2 years ago

In the fashion scene = good, has coined some things

Musical = joa couple good songs

What he gives on the internet…no comment coughs

2 years ago

The media represent him as a devil.

I still love him. One of the best musicians of our time

2 years ago

Whether he is Nazi or whatever. In the end, I’m just interested in your music.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jesseee

*his music

2 years ago

So if I hear that, he’ll get me NOCH UNSYMPATHIC. I would not have thought he could become more unhappy.😅😅 But honestly, how can you like or even love such a cruel person as Hitler? 😳

2 years ago

Always found the guy inexorable.

2 years ago

He didn’t say that. Please don’t mention bullshit. He only meant that he loves the positive things on him.

2 years ago

never liked it….