Mögt ihr Kaviar(-ersatz)?
Mögt ihr Kaviar bzw. Kaviarersatz, wenn ja von welchem Fisch?
Mögt ihr Kaviar bzw. Kaviarersatz, wenn ja von welchem Fisch?
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The fish species is acutely threatened, which is why I don’t eat caviar.
I eat trout eggs, but this is not a caviar.
Find it disgusting. That’s worse than the replacement. Only the idea that a pregnant fish was cut up and the eggs were rigged from the stomach. 🤢
It’s a mess. Caviar’s a mess.
Actually, I always liked Caviar. This beautiful nutty creamy taste is simply delicious (unfortunate substitute products from other fish species are not comparable in any way).
However, I do not think of this decadent faithful and brimborium that is being spun around the food. It’s a tasty food that’s stupidly quite expensive. No more and no less.
One day I bought a can and ate again. I was wondering, because the caviar didn’t taste as delicious as usual, kind of rancid. I didn’t think about it. A few hours later, I had bad digestive problems and the caviar came out both oral and anal…
Since then I haven’t eaten xD
Caviar is an arm-life meal in Russia (because it doesn’t have a lot of calories and yet is something to eat), in Japan you eat it as part of fish dishes.
But I don’t like it and don’t think it brings added value in a Western diet.
Be vegan, don’t eat caviar from the fish, but in Sweden at the “ica” ne found quite a good alternative. “vegiar” they called themselves. But this is more so for lubrication, a bit like Mayo of consistency.
Don’t like both.
Wouldn’t get your pocket money well.
120,00 € incl. VAT
Buy Amur Beluga Caviar online
I neither eat meat nor fish nor eggs
If the original. Only the Beluga-Stör is threatened by so I leave my fingers completely!
I find both caviar and caviar substitute disgusting.
Seehasenkaviar can be sold as “German caviar” and can be afforded.
Mini stick, Sevruga, tastes best for me. I like Beluga too.
If caviar, then only the real caviar. No, no, no. No replacement and no caviar of what I know of what fish.