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No, I’d never buy a book of poems. For me, many people often just read like “wore yourself or I eat you”. Clinked words that have to make sense. And if they don’t make any sense, but only give back the author’s wise thoughts, I’ll put a poem away immediately. I don’t read them voluntarily, but some of them are suggested to me at FB. It’s usually quite Mumpitz.
I like to remember my school. This was the distant epoch when students were not distinguished by pupils, and the body of teaching had not yet to worry about whether students could learn poems.
We must learn and train our brains colossally.
To slow down the aging process, I now learn poems in English and German.
Not at all.
It is often too cheesy and exaggerated.
And it reminds me of German lessons
✨🐢 Lauralustig 🐢
They are exhausting to read and their meaning is often unclear.
Joa, so some poems are very beautiful.🤗😌
LG Maike
Many yes. Be it Goethe, Schiller or Bob Dylan. But everyone?
Yeah, actually. Especially if they have good content and reimburse at the highest level 🙂
Not really
Not all, have seventeen volumes, only German poems.
Of course
If you are beautiful