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Fliegen mit provisorischer Füllung?
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Kind of. Stay right in the departure zone and find it exciting to look after another plane.
Kind of fascinating. Some people have assembled tons of heavy equipment, put hundreds of other people in and let them fly up several kilometers.
…and thousands of kilometers!
Oh, yeah. I love planes. If I had enough time, I would go to the airport every day. Do it very often, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends. The horniest thing about the planespotting is that you can only get so close to a plane without flying. You also get to know new friends. I just met all my friends through mocking. And with most, I’m even pretty thick, so it’s a very deep friendship. That’s just great. In addition to the planespotting, it is particularly nice for me that I live directly in the approach route of Leipzig Airport. I’m lucky there’s no night flight ban here. So, tear up windows and fall asleep through the planes over a thunder. I just love the noises of the buzzing engines. Or the brooding of propeller engines. Nothing’s horny.
Hope could help:D
I’m afraid of flying but I still think it’s kind of horny to look at the greing earners from above
Flying belongs to the most beautiful in the world for me. And I’ve never met flight fear.
I find planes very interesting.
Interest me very much.
Note my profile 😀