Mögt ihr Fitnessstudio? Ich komm mir so allein damit vor dass ichs irgendwie so gar nicht Feier?

Ich mag allen anderen Sport fast

Aber kann irgendwie diesen Geräten wenig abgewinnen und Liegestützen usw. auch eher weniger bislang.

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2 years ago

do you like gym?

No, I think it’s more like a necessary evil.

but somehow these devices can take little off and rest, etc less so far..

Doesn’t give any other way to build muscle mass.


2 years ago

Try to go to Gym with friends. Have a lot more fun than alone.

I was often on Saturday night with my people instead of club at Gym. This has been more fun than walking around in the club, bringing the body something and is even cheaper and healthier

2 years ago

I’ve never been in one, except when I was on Reha. My endurance sports include cycling, swimming and (early) running. Why a sixpack if you have a whole barrel?

I find the money that was thrown out for me and I could laugh a little bit when I see people on ergometers and treads behind the pane of the muckibude while I’m passing by outside.

2 years ago
Reply to  123abcdef933

In many forms of illness, there are gene-rich applications in a gym that serve to build muscles and physical stabilization. In the classic muckibude, however, it is more about “shaping” than about health.

2 years ago

It’s okay… I’m sure you’re not alone… because you don’t need any devices.

2 years ago

Can’t suffer.

2 years ago

no…….you have to be Catholic………..and follow the inquisition.