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Something must be eaten – which makes him sick and does not have as many disadvantages as starch products.
And there’s fish in the front. We can’t live with Brockoli and head salad.
Depends on which one. All except salmon fillet I find okay, sea salmon, hee rings and Graved salmon even very good
I don’t like fish, and I’m also panicky afraid of grudges.
Oh yes, very even in all possible variants. I’m just eating fish on a coast. Matjes… mmmhh.
I like salmon, fish that still look at me, I don’t like the plate that I’m going to disassemble. You should also not taste too much for fish as carp e.g.
Parnated plaice or so goes of course.
I like smoked fish too.
No – as a child, it shook me with the thought of fish…
Yes, very much. Unfortunately, it is difficult to get fish in good quality here, so there are not so many.
Fish likes me too.
Yeah, but not everyone. If he wasn’t so expensive, we would eat him more often. The second point, not so often to eat, is overfishing. Or animal torture in breeding.
I don’t eat fish anymore since I’m vegetarian, but I liked fish. Especially salmon.
Yes. Especially plaice.
Yeah, but the grudges are on my sack
Very much. LG
Yes I like, my favorite salmon
Yes, very much. Best freshly caught and off in the pan or on the grill.
I like to eat fish.
I would like to eat it more often.😃 🐟
Yes I like fish
Yeah, I’ve been an enthusiastic Aquarian for years. Here my pelvis…
Most preferably panned fish fillet. But I rarely eat it.
Very much.
I like to eat matjes or fried fish, but not every variety.