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I just love cooking. My partner can do it very well, but I’m not letting myself cook. I have to be really dead sick that I let him cook for me.
Otherwise I really stand in the kitchen daily and cook for him and me the food. And as I said, I won’t let it take me out because it’s just pure relaxation for me
I love baking and cooking.
I like to go to a restaurant and be cooked, but otherwise I prefer to cook myself.
Then I know at least what is included in the food, it can weigh and track the calorie number. Also, I can make sure that no cream, butter or bulk of oil was used.
I can’t cook through the gentile convention.
Use of organic weapons is prohibited
If it should be “good”, I cook and cook myself. Otherwise I let myself be boiled (wet too).
Both. But the one who cooks for me must be damn good.
I’d rather leave cooking to those who really can.
No, I don’t like it. I can cook rather badly than right. Cooking isn’t really fun either. He was insulting me at school. That’s why I’d rather be boiled; like, on stock and then frozen. I can thaw and warm up.
Of course not from private persons, but from the professional cook of a Spanish, Greek or French restaurant.
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Since my cooking skills are limited to water (for coffee) I prefer to cook.
Because I can’t cook, it’s my wife. She knows exactly what I like.
Then you know what’s in it and that everything is through and soft.
If my husband would cook, I would starve. He manages to burn coffee water.
I can’t complain. My wife cooks very well, just doesn’t like it. She always had to work in her parents’ restaurant during school and semester holidays. The compulsion marks!
That’s reasonable.
if you can cook well, no question may exercise your talent with me
My food tastes best
It’s my passion!
Actually, I let myself be cooked by my husband or our dear lady:-)