Mögt ihr es auch sich richtig voll zu essen?
Hallo zusammen,
wie manche wissen bin ich gerade am zunehmen . Seit dem ich absichtlich zunehme gefällt es mir sehr doll wenn beim Bauch aufgebläht und komplett voll ist . Hat für mich etwas befriedigendes. Geht es euch auch so?
I have to increase 20 kg, but for 2 years I have been hanging on 80 kg (lightly underweight), eat what I want and so much I want, I do not reach my goal, I do not eat so much this day, so I take off. I can’t eat too much at once, 500g pelmeni goes, but I eat more sodburns. Not beautiful
Oha then you’re pretty big when 80Kg means light underweight with you.
Joar 2,06, not too small but also not too big
That’s all right. I’m 196cm, I’m fine. Had years of difficulty getting a normal weight. Always was between 72 and 78Kg slim to very slim. Thanks to strength training and now probably a little slower metabolism, I am now at 85Kg and very satisfied.
I used to, but that was mentally conditioned with me. Meanwhile, I eat much less and I feel much better. In the case of inflated abdomen, I felt uncomfortable after a certain period of time, got also occasionally slight stomach pain, the movement was more restricted at the time than usual or had to much too often on the toilet.
Depending on the shape of the day, it happens sometimes. Somehow, it’s like I’m a black hole that’s all closing. But I can’t say that I have to or will deliberately bring about the inconsistent feeling of fullness. It is there and a certain “satisfaction” is also, but otherwise.
Yes, I like the feeling very much if my belly is really full.
I’m just…
Yeah, I know. Not too thick. But I like to eat something about my hunger and for it relatively rarely.
No, my stomach doesn’t handle this and I have to pay for it with uneasiness. I prefer to eat smaller meals, but several times a day; is then the same amount, but more common.
Yeah, I eat quite a lot in front of the evening bread. But often hungry, I have to eat quite a lot in general.
Yes, and not so rarely do I also 😁
No. I never eat about my hunger and take as much as I can. You’d better take a look. I just feel shit when you’re so super full.
I don’t like it! If I’m full of food, my belly hurts me and I’m getting sick!
I’d like to be a little heavier…!
Yeah, I know.
Since I have a kind of fat-fetish and find myself more beautiful and hornier, the thicker I am and I have tasted myself. Healthy, but not so please respect your health.
lg sarah
No, not at all.
Eating is good for me. And if I am full, that’s no good anymore…