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In the role a spider and important creator \../
Almost as sympathetic as Voldemort or Bellatrix Le Strange. In the end, he rehabilitated.
I don’t like him and I’m in Slytherin myself. He thinks he’s better than everyone else and he’s fiess to all others. However, it is fair to say that he always had it hard.
I don’t like him, I think he’s supposed to decide on which side he’s standing and nich moment, protect Harry from Bellatrix and, on the other hand, retrieve and attack Harry.
Yeah, sure. He is my favorite character (don’t ask why I don’t know it myself).
From the character, I find him extremely unhappy.
But without him, Harry Potter would miss something.
I find Draco right hot 🔥 he is my dream boy
Yeah, great actor.
Yes love him
He is likeable to me and also a very good person
I’m not a hp fan, never read the books – just saw the films before. and the little rat has gone my way up.
Yes in the beginning he is so but at the end of the films he realizes that he is actually not evil but was educated so because his parents are evil but he is not. He also helps in the end harry and so