Mögt ihr diese „Speise“ 🐟?
Ich habe Möhren-Karotten-Brei gekocht, der direkt nach dem Kochen eine wunderbar breiige Struktur hatte. Dann habe ich ihn eingefroren und nach dem Auftauen hatte er eine klumpige Konsistenz. Habt ihr Tipps, wie man das zukünftig vermeiden kann?
Besteht Blut zu so einem hohen Anteil aus Eisen oder warum ist das so
🙂 ♥♥♥♥♥♥
no matter how they are prepared. I could feed any wool. taste ultamegahamma! then with fresh lemon – mega ! 🙂
Hey you, I love Calamari. You just have to be fresh. I prefer it on pizza or as a supplement to spaghetti, be it as a sauce or fried. 👍
A beautiful evening, dear greetings etincelles
Belongs to my absolute food. I could eat every day, but then I’d rather have the self-made calamari rings and octopus. But also like to fried all in garlic with a splash of lemon.
Very delicious!
HI. Yes I like it:) But I eat only every 2 months or so.
L.g. Jan
Sure. Both versions.
I almost prefer Octopus.
Even with the smell I’m getting bad… can’t understand how it tastes like that… but well, everyone’s different. Generally, I don’t like fish and co, I don’t touch that. And you don’t want to get the place full of it!
I can feed myself to death, but unfortunately the body doesn’t come with it, it doesn’t find fish and seafood so great -.-” I used to eat it very much, and also the best fresh garlic sauce 😍
Because it’s often tough.
Shouldn’t be.
Murders neither.
There are better things to cook with this animal 🙂 Find me
Depends on how it was done. If the Calamari are delicate, they are very tasty, but with bad luck you have one chewing gums on the plate.
I really like eating. General fish I love about everything and could eat it every day
I don’t like Calamari, I’ve never tried it before.
If you’ve never tried, then you don’t know how it tastes ^ tztztz…..tztztz ^^ tastes megalekka 🙂
…but must be fried sufficiently quickly, otherwise tough.
No, you can hunt me.
I was invited to my former boss. There his wife served a salad – as I know now and then – with Calamari. Put a piece in the mouth and bite, I had to get up, go to the toilet and “dispose”. I’ve eaten around the rest and left him lying.
I don’t need this bite and experience for a second time.
That was certainly the preparation.
You should give it another try!
All right
Yes, but grilled on fire, I don’t like these rubber bags of pulpus. .
Not mine. But this huge bowl of Greek peasant salad on picture 2 all the more.
I also take… the rubber rings can eat someone else
And extra black olives.
I see we get…
With Quark Dip, with salad, with Risotto mega tasty
No. Taste like rubber rings.
Poor animal…but also very delicious…! 😁😋😊
Just like on the first picture, grilled.
I have never tried
my mother likes to eat them, but if you have bad luck, they taste like rubber rings and then they are not delicious
You have to eat them in Greece.
And Croatia.
I’m sure so.
I love seafood, but too often I don’t like it.
I’m getting hungry
I liked to eat them in my youth, but today they don’t taste like I used to
It looks disgusting:(
I like them when I sit in a Greek tavern by the sea.
Very happy
On 1st photo:-))
I don’t like eating.
I like to eat passionately.
fried rubber rings – no thanks
Fresh and hot are not rubber-like
Don’t eat on the Kirmes!
I don’t care to eat on the Kirmes…