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I think there are hardly any commercials that are really appealing. Often, it’s more important to me that I don’t want to buy the products anymore, because the advertising just lets me sink into the ground before shame (Head and Shoulders would be such an example…, Kids Pengui also) The new permanent-sung shampoo advertising is also cruel.
Twix 😉 or by car and car 😉
I HASSE ads in which is sung and anointed. Worst type of advertising on god fr fr fr
Advertising is basically disturbing, especially on television and on YouTube. If she’s still silly, it’s annoying. What I find repulsive are these exaggerated clichés. Especially in the representation of families.
Here is an example of particularly unsympathetic and silly advertising:
No, I think so corrosive. The worst is the double YouTube advertising where everyone turns into a monkey that you don’t even have to skip. I’m getting crazy
I don’t like advertising at all, that just annoys – because it’s being scalelessly exaggerated from duration and frequency.
if I can bypass this or don’t look at such stations or online pages
Mostly music in advertising and little annoying advertising talk is actually better for me.
It really depends on me.
I don’t like the advertising that thinks you’re so bad. But it’s like hereI really like it.
I like advertising in general but also not
I don’t really like advertising, whether singing or not.
You can’t say that. There are good advertisements where sung. There are good ads that are silly or funny. And of course there are bad ads. With and without singing or Alberei.
I don’t want anyone to like this. She’s supposed to get the nerves of people. She’s supposed to be so bad that she’s still remembering people despite everything.
I find advertising incredibly annoying. There’s no way to help an obsolete singing.
I don’t like advertising in general. Some spots are still so stupid, you don’t forget. It’s the point.
That’s what I’m looking at regularly…
I’m not looking at private stations and not at all advertising. My time is too bad for that.
The Idealo advertising is simply ridiculous 🙃
But I hate this Lacalut actor with the two women. LOL!
I don’t like advertising at all.
Who likes advertising, please?
Some ads are extremely silly and can lead to the fact that I do not buy the product that is advertised.
It’s just like that.
Who likes advertising?