Mögt ihr Ben & Jerry‘s?
Liebt ihr Ben & Jerry‘s auch so sehr wie ich?
Ich bin süchtig nach dem Zeug! 😂
Liebt ihr Ben & Jerry‘s auch so sehr wie ich?
Ich bin süchtig nach dem Zeug! 😂
Hey in dem Bolognese Rezept steht Tomatensauce. Sind damit einfach passierte Tomaten gemeint? Oder kann ich auch einfach normale Tomaten nehmen?
Wie viel mal in der woche konsumiert ihr Fleisch oder Gelatine pro Woche?
Hallo, Irgendwie steht mir der Sinn ständig nach Süßigkeiten (insbesondere Schokolade), sodass ich mir alle Paar Tage neue Schokoladentafeln besorge, die nach nur wenigen Tagen wieder leer sind. Aber irgendwie habe ich diesen Wunsch nach etwas Süßem ständig. (*Nein, ich bin nicht schwanger & erwarte keine Periode, Diabetes kann ausgeschlossen werden) Kennt ihr dass, und…
Ich habe heute dermaßen viel gegessen das es mir echt nicht gut geht…kann das gefährlich sein?
Ich habe in der Küche gearbeitet und es waren diesmal wenig Gäste da, sodass 4/5 des Essens einfach über geblieben ist. Nachdem die Mitarbeiter sich noch in der Mittagspause davon satt gegessen haben, sind dann Eimerweise die ganzen Lebensmittel entsorgt worden. Auf Nachfrage von mir wurde gesagt, es gibt Hygienevorschriften, das Essen dürfte nicht mal…
Da sind Nüsse und Rosinen drin
Snails do it. But is also quite expensive. There are also other delicious ice cream which is cheaper.
What do you think is delicious?
I prefer vanilla. I always get the big bowls. Either Aldi or Lidl.
Everyone has his preferences;)
Yes I let it melt completely so I could drink it 😆
I love ice cream when it’s a bit dry. then beautiful creamy
I’ve let the whole container dry and drunk as a shake 😀
Makes good and you have at least a lot of content
Yes I know from the Aldi this big box, we often have there
Not acceptable for the price. The small ice-creaming companies are partly in the direction of 7 euros.
If I had a few times in life – was always horny, it would never buy again for the price.
Unfortunately, too expensive and the one I tested was a mistake – tasted 08/15 for the price overpriced even on offer. But was such a variety with elongated chocolate cores (so cream) in the middle. Maybe it was the kind that didn’t tell me. That’s what I thought about other brands.
Häagen-Dazs compared to this: in part small little cheaper (but also high price) and exteeeeem much better than Ben & Jerrys. It’s worth the money.
Otherwise I would rather add to Lagnese Cremissimo or Mövenpick – the cup with approx. 900 (after plugging price increase to 850 or so, I believe) ml grab. In the offer for 2-2.50 euros quite inexpensive.
Find that you have no good value for money.
Am rather the “Mövenpick” and the Cremissimo” fan, which is in the offer
You too
Thank you:) Wow
Would you like to try?
A delicious product, but I don’t think the competition is worse. The price-performance ratio is underground.
Jaa, that’s sooo good. Ice always goes.
lg sarah
I also find:D
Yes, very expensive but delicious (:
is expensive but nevertheless extremely horny. Best I find the Brownie and cookie dough half baked
jaa best ice cream
but so expensive because I eat it only rarely
I like it, but unfortunately it’s very expensive.
I never eat.
I boycott it.
Too sweet and not refreshing.
as much as you probably do not;)
Yes as so many delicious 😋
I find this ice cream very tasty and sometimes buy it in the cinema consuming🎦📽🎞🍿🍦🥤
rubber ball
Dear Häagen-Dazs. In terms of content, it will hardly differ, but the haeagen dazs does not taste so sweet, I think.
already, but unfortunately very expensive
I don’t know. I’d rather lick something else.
Yeah, we love it!
But unfortunately very expensive
You might laugh! But never tried today! 🙈
I could lick it all day
tastes so good, but why so expensive😫
Yes but unfortunately expensive
Too much sugar.
would bring me the Dupes of Aldi
I don’t eat ice cream
I don’t know.
It’s delicious.
I know the ice cream and I like it, but I’m not addicted to it.
The cup that would have been enough is the best thing in the photo.
Do you have an attention deficit? You’re very silly.
What is “slightly”? 😅
Personal images, especially so large and not pixelated on the net, are always reckless. You could do a lot of bullshit. It would be easy to construct a nude image from this photo.
You shouldn’t put photos on the Internet so easily.
The cup would have been enough. Or do you need compliments?
or at least show naked feet!
I don’t see naked feet.
😂😂😂😂🤦 ♂️you don’t know what’s going on on Instagram nowadays and elsewhere, this photo is really harmless.Of course, she wants to show herself & be called on privately, just to feel better, because the photo is neither necessary for the question, nor does it really make sense.She can be photographed by someone else for it, that’s the best 😂😂
What people do for a bit of attention today!
For the thick box?! 😁
Oha, do you think the thick? 🥲😂
The trend is worrying, especially among young people & young adults.
You can be so generous, too, stand up to your face.
I don’t give that to 🫠
not for me, but here are many who appreciate this 😉
yes, right
that expresses my
I haven’t eaten for a long time.
Never eat.
Why is there straw with you?
And why do you have a mask? 😀
Yeah, well, eat another ice cream.
Always like 🙂
I’ve rarely eaten worse ice cream.