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Ist mein Zucker Konsum Okay?
Morgens esse ich zum Frühstück immer Buchweizen, 1 Banane und 3 Datteln. Dazu noch nen whey Shake. sonst esse ich halt Milchzucker durch Quark usw. Findet ihr das schon zu viel? ich trinke keine süßgetränke, nasche ned und konsumier meinen Kaffe und Tee nur schwarz.
Yes absolutely, I love Pizza Hawaii this is actually my favorite pizza
No, this isn’t my taste on pizza, so I prefer it classic.
But I eat Hawaii Toast.
I don’t like pineapples on the pizza. But I like Toast Hawaii.
Is my favorite pizza so pizza Hawaii and get proud of it even if many have it and it feels an insult for Italians🙃 I just love the perfect contrast of salty and sweet taste🫶🏻
I like that again. But usually I need seafood and garlic on the pizza.
It’s not mine,
LG :
There are many ways to document pizza. Pineapple doesn’t belong to the ingredients I like to add.
I don’t like:/
I also like pineapples in sour wort
Not at all.
Pineapple doesn’t belong to a pizza.
Have you ever tried?
I don’t like pineapples on a pizza.
And I’ll never eat. It’s not a pizza for me!
no, but sheep cheese and spinach (filling) or tuna, onions and garlic.
I generally don’t like a hot meal
Hello good question133386.
Pizza Hawaii is my favorite pizza.