Möglichkeiten um wasserfeste kleine Kristalle zu bekommen/herzustellen etc.?
Hi zusammen. Ich habe vor einen Ring zu machen. Der Ring hat eine befüllbare Mitte (wie auf dem Bild zu sehen). Mein Plan ist es diese Rille mit blauen/dunkelblauen wasserfesten Kristallen zu befüllen und diese aufzukleben. Es soll dabei kein Muster entstehen, sondern einfach zufällig angeordnet sein (Bild2).
Mein Problem ist jetzt, dass ich nicht weiß, wo ich am besten so kleine aber schöne Kristalle herbekomme. Meine Ideen waren bis jetzt, dass ich mir Wassersteine kaufe und die zertrümmere, bis ich so kleine Stücke bekomme. Allerdings hab ich dafür keine schönen Steine gefunden.
Meine 2te Idee war, dass ich mir ein blau gefärbtes Glas besorge und das mit dem Hammer klein mache und anschließend irgendwie in einem “Sandbad” halbwegs abschleife, so dass keine scharfen Glaskanten mehr vorhanden sind. Ich weiß allerdings nicht wie realistisch das ist. Es ist eben nur eine Überlegung.
Beim Thema Kristalle züchten ist das Problem, dass die Kristalle ja alle immer wasserlöslich sind und ich nicht sicher gehen kann, ob ich die anschließend sauber mit Epoxidharz o.ä. genug vor Feuchtigkeit schützen kann.
Daher meine konkrete Frage: habt ihr Ideen oder Erfahrungen, wie man so kleine Kristalle entweder selber machen kann oder wo man welche kaufen kann, die halbwegs bezahlbar sind.
As you have already noticed, crystals grow a problem for the lay, because the water-generated crystals are almost always too soluble for your project.
Let’s get the term “crystal” away.
In the mineral trade there are “fine stone chips” which were polished in the grinding drums. There could be Lapis Lazuli for you.
In glass, you should have an opaque glass. However, in the “small knock” a lot of pointed grains are produced which is difficult to process. So you need other methods to crush the glass. As a glass bead maker, I would take a blue glass rod matching nuance and heat the glass in the torch flame until I can press it with a pliers to a flat “Lollipop”. This part is then briefly heated and immersed in water. The shocked glass crumbles to a corm size which corresponds approximately to the thickness of the flattened glass.
These brushes could then be poured into a small sealing plastic vessel and some grinding powder (silicon carbide) could be used. Then leave some water in the washing machine “carousel driving”. It’s supposed to be a five-time full-wear with a preliminary wash. Thereafter, the result is assessed and either the grinding powder is continuously washed (sieve) or, after the sealing surfaces have been cleaned, again inserted into the machine.
You could also make a glass mosaic. For this purpose, the glass rod (hot) is drawn to rods, of which sections are cut in length from the channel width. The ends of this can either be rounded off slightly in the flame (pinzette!) or also deburred in the drum grinding (as above).
Glasses from Effetre, System96 or Bullseye are suitable. Remains of Tiffany works of unknown manufacturers also work. As a burner, I would use a soldering lamp whose nozzle in the middle has a large hole, surrounded by many small holes.
Wow, I’m a little flashed from the answer. Thank you very much. This is definitely something I’m going to try out on my own, because the process and the result sound quite cutting.
Yes, there you are right Lapis Lazuli Splitter should be perfect for my project and have exactly the shade I wish. I’ll look around and test.
You’re welcome. I’ve been working with hot glass for quite a long time. Nomen est Omen…
If you need additional information: Requests by comment.
Look on the internet (Amazon) if you can order something like that. There are many artificial crystal caves stones you could knock
I’ve been looking through, but unfortunately I haven’t found anything sensible.
Mega loves you to find out. Thank you.
Buy a matching large raw stone om mineral trade (e.g. cheap on a mineral exchange), e.g. red carneol, blue sodalite, pink rose quartz etc. You can then smash it to matching pieces.