Möglichkeit schwanger zu sein?
ich hatte am 12.07 mit mein freund 2 mal ungeschützten Sex und hatte meine pille dann einmal vergessen zu nehmen.
Das war 1 Tag vor mein Eisprung.
Jetzt habe ich am Samstag den 26.07 zwei Tests gemacht die beide negativ negativ sind. Aber meine Tage bekomme ich nicht. Obwohl ich am nächsten Tag nachdem ich meine Pille für die Pillenpause absetze meine Tage bekomme. Und das ist immer so. Das wundert mich und verwundert mich. Was soll ich machen?
You’ve already asked this question several times, but apparently you haven’t been smarter by the answers received…
You forgot a pill after sex?
In case of a combination pill, you can only get pregnant in the first week (week after the break) and in an estrogen-free pill only in the first week of application (at the start of the pill).
You have no ovulation under pills – this is the purpose and purpose of this method of contraception.
A breakthrough ovulation (unwanted spontaneous ovulation) can only occur with uncorrected intake errors/exchange effects. But this is then in temporal connection with the error, but not with a “natural cycle”.
But not every mistake leads to loss of protection. It depends on the pill you take, in which week the error has happened and, of course, whether you correct it (for a combination pill, for example by adjusting the intake scheme).
Surely you will also find in the use information of your pill under“If you forgot to take XY”exactly explains what to do if or when you are protected again and whether there is the possibility of pregnancy and emergency prevention is appropriate.
The tests were too early.
A commercially available pregnancy test from the pharmacy, drugstore market, well-sorted supermarket or shipping trade will deliver a relatively reliable result (over 99%) from about 19 days after the last unprotected intercourse (here in connection with a contraceptive application error).
Under the influence of the pill hormones, among other things, the cervical mucosa is not as strong as the desired principle of action.
Therefore it is normal that the abortion bleeding is usually weaker and less painful than a menstrual bleeding and the strength of the bleeding can be different, i.e. a month a bit stronger, a month a bit weaker.
Even the day when the bleeding starts after the start of the pill break can be somewhat different (usually on the 2nd or 3rd day of the tablet break).
Even without a pregnancy, it can come to the complete absence of the bleeding in the days of the cessation.
To do this, you will also find a hint in the use information of your pill under “If your normal monthly bleeding remains”.
Do now a pregnancy test and if the negative is, you continue taking pills and is good.
Happy for you!
I’d like to tell you here: with pille you have never and never really an ovulation. There is also not the time of ovulation, because you take the pill and this crooks your body to be already pregnant, there can be no ovulation.
I’d do another test in two days and wait.
in 2 days? can you notice a pregnancy within 2 weeks so early?