Möglicher Eisprung trotz Pille?
Ich stelle diese Frage für meine beste Freundin und zwar nimmt sie dir Pille seit 3 Monaten. Und normalerweise paar Tage bis eine Woche nach der Periode hatte sie ihren Eisprung. Und sie hat es auch gespürt, also sie hatte so bauschschmerzen wie wenn sie ihre Tage bekommt, Brustschmerzen und sowas was man während dem Eisprung hat. Aber jetzt mit Pille sollte sie ja keinen mehr haben. Und in ihrer ersten pillenpause hat sie 5 Tage Pause gemacht und in ihrer letzten 7 Tage Pause. Sie fragt sich jetzt ob dies schlimm war? Weil sie seit 6 Tagen wieder die Pille nimmt und vor eine Woche ihre Tage hatte und jetzt genauso diese Schmerzen hat wie bei ihrem Eisprung. Sie kann sich nicht genau dran erinnern wie das im letzten Monat war ob sie nach ihren Tagen auch diese Schmerzen hatte.
jetzt fragen wir uns ob es sein könnte das sie ihren Eisprung hat und schwanger werden könnte weil sie nicht verhütet
If you take the pill you have no ovulation (applies to most pills) and therefore also no fertile days, but in case of an erroneous ovulation can take place at any time.
If your girlfriend takes the pill regularly, does not break, does not have a diarrhea and does not take any medication that affects the effect of the pill, has taken the pill regularly at least 14 days before the break (does not apply to the Belara and the like, there are 21 days), the break does not last longer than 7 days and at the latest on 8. Continues day with the pill (applies to most pills), then it is also protected in the pause (in which you get a bleeding and no period) and immediately thereafter (so uninterrupted), to 99.9% (the missing 0.1% relate according to expert opinion to unnoticed or unadmitted intake errors). In this case, only really aqueous diarrhea counts as diarrhea. If that’s true to your girlfriend, she can’t get pregnant. The pill is one of the safest contraceptives and if both are healthy they can dispense with the condom and he can also come into it.
Greetings HobbyTfz
Greetings HobbyTfz
I ask for a friend…;-) If she doesn’t prevent her, she can get pregnant, that’s clear. If she had her days straight, it can happen anyway. Unfortunately, any method is whether to measure or count temperature etc. ultimately not safe. Only the usual methods are safe by means of pill or spiral. Okay, if she’s insecure… let her read on the Internet, when a pregnancy can be detected and then go to the doctor accordingly. I’m also not for chemistry or blatant hormones, but I can only guess girls and young women because otherwise you need to be afraid and just, as I said, can get pregnant constantly…there’s still the “pill after”, but that you have to take, after sex, within 48h, is actually like a kind of mini abortion. Maybe your girlfriend got away again, but she should go another way in the future!!! Having a child unintentionally is not fun, letting an abortion be done in no way. Severe guilt can be the result! Good luck!
Yes, but if she takes the pill she is sure, although not 100% but probability is very rare. And we just had the question whether this was bad now that she did 5 days pillenpsuse for the first time and last time 7 days pause?
You take a break as long as it is in the package leaflet. 7 days is correct.