Mögliche Schwangerschaft was ist los mit meinem Körper?

Hallo zusammen,

ich weiß ich habe schon mal eine ähnliche Frage gestellt aber ich bin wirklich panisch diesbezüglich…

Ich habe mal wieder Angst vor einer möglichen Schwangerschaft obwohl ich mir nicht ausmalen kann, wie das sein kann.
Mein Partner und ich verhüten mit Kondom und ich gehe auch immer sicher dannach, dass nichts kaputt gegangen ist.

Meine letzte Periode war am 9.11. zu Ende und GV hatte ich das letzte mal am 17.11…

Tendenziell waren meine Zyklen letztens länger, aber nie 40 Tage??

Meinen Eisprung habe ich tatsächlich auch etwas später getrackt dieses Mal, meiner Meinung nach war der ca um den 28.11.

Zum Kontext ich war diesen Monat sehr gestresst und habe auch viel Sport gemacht und unregelmäßig gegessen aber normalerweise ist mein Zyklus immer recht regelmäßig. Das letzte mal 40 Tage hatte ich 2021.

Ich kann kaum noch klar denken und habe nur noch Angst (kriege kaum Schlaf in letzter Zeit)

Ich weiß ich sollte einen Test machen aber selbst da habe ich so viel Angst vor… da ich im Ausland lebe kann ich nicht mal mit meiner Mama gehen oder so 🙁

Bin dankbar um jeden Rat!

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1 year ago


Pregnancy is 100% excluded. It doesn’t mean that you could be pregnant, and the period can be absent by many reasons.

To get pregnant, sperm must get into you and since the condom was still intact then nothing can have happened. Besides, you didn’t have your short-lasting ovulation at that time.

I can calm you down, I’ll write you some harsh examples, but I’ll show you the truth. Maybe this will help you calm down.

Every year, several million people try to get a child and do not make it sleep with each other (during the fertile phase) and a lot of sperm that has also landed within the woman. They try it in part month by month simply because not every time unprotected traffic leads to pregnancy. Then why should you have been pregnant by non-existent sperm and condom?

You’ve used a condom to have a very minimal chance of a viciousness at all, you have to make a mistake with the condom and there has not happened. Besides, you might have had to have your ovulation at that time. How the fuck would you have been pregnant?

I hope that wasn’t too harsh now, but that’s how hard facts are said I believe. Maybe next time do a so-called ovulation test (can be bought in drugstores) then you’ll be sure if you have your ovulation or not and can relax afterwards without having to worry 🙂


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck



1 year ago

Yeah, that’ll be the best solution.

1 year ago

How do you track your ovulation? If you do this by means of temperature measurement, you can reasonably rely on it.

So if your ovulation was really on 28.11, then it is completely impossible for the sex on 17.11. to have led to pregnancy.

Sperms survive a maximum of five days to wait for the ovulation.

And if your ovulation had really been on November 28th, you’re not as long as you think.

The period is about 12 to 16 days after the ovulation – so if the ovulation was on November 28, then today day 15 is after ovulation and thus everything is within the framework.

What you should do now: make a test. It only shows what is.

And then maybe you should think about preventing even more from the condom, for example with spiral or pill.

1 year ago

There’s no advice to calm you down. You have (apparently successful) prevented, your period is still waiting for you. You know that woman is not a clockwork and there are influences that can influence the cycle. So there are only two possibilities:

Possibility 1 – wait and continue to panic

Possibility 2 – Test and have certainty.

A test does not make you pregnant, so the fear of it is not targeted. He shows at most what is – and then in doubt that you are capable of acting too soon.

1 year ago

What advice?

Less puppets might be so scared?

Or find out that at some point there may be a child, now not presumably, with so much fear your body might stumble anyway and therefore reacts sensitively with the period or what I know, but at some point it may happen. That’s great. Think positively!

1 year ago

yes, but only one writes that a pregnancy is excluded to 100 percent and refers to the many people who desperately try to get a child. Well, that’s how millions of lottery players are playing in the hope of winning. And indeed, one wins.

What do I want to say? All statements do not use you if you have the jackpot.

I’ve written to you that no one can shut out anything about 100 Porzent, and you need to learn to deal with this fear. Finally, this fear has almost every woman in the age between let’s say 14 and let’s say until 40 /50 years or more that doesn’t want to get pregnant.

Even I had her fear with two children and spirals and knowledge. I dreamed of being pregnant with a third child, but my two were already around the 14 years old. That was a nightmare.

And my cousin actually got that sog, Trospi kid.

Everything is possible…

1 year ago

so: calmly trust the statement with the 100%, then you can at least sleep better….and if you are not pregnant, then you can give the lady your star. She deserved to be wrong with this remote diagnosis, but in fact the low risk.