Mögliche Aktuelle Themen bei Vorstellungsgespräch?


habe morgen ein Vorstellungsgespräch für eine Ausbildung bei der Stadt. Dort soll ich auch eine Präsentation über ein aktuelles Thema , das morgen bekannt gegeben wird, halten. Leider habe ich zurzeit so gar nicht auf dem Schirm, was zurzeit aktuell ist, habt ihr Ideen , worüber ich mich heute noch informieren sollte?


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1 year ago

No. Rather, you can think about the nature of your presentation and the way you stand; no one does.

You have only learned to create a lot of clickibunti; many effects and how great you can handle PP. You do not have the real meaning of a presentation yet on the screen: it serves to visualize important details – to show that you cannot explain so well in words. A good presentation does not have 30 leaves, but only one to three leaves.

The rest must come from you. You have to convince people by professional competence and the PP is only a decorating supplement, which, for example, makes a value profile visible over a certain period of time. Approximately the occurrence of strong wind events in the last 50 years; a curve that increases exponentially.

Most commit the mistake of showing a lot of leaves and basically only reading what is there. Well, you’re sure you missed your chance. People can read themselves.

You have to be the supporter who can bend the subject in a simple and comprehensible way. You can’t learn that in a day; You just have to practice this and ask after each presentation how it can be better at the next.

A tip: The presentation does not depend; it is the speaker.

Here is an example of how to make it right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFsTSS7aZ5o

1 year ago

A bit late to make a visit to the city council and get an impression of how the mayor, who is your supreme superior so ticks.

What you can do is reach the paper ton,and your local focuses, construction projects, citizens’ initiatives,what is still happening.

If your city or municipality has an internet presence, look at this and start with city hall and politics.

At least you’ll find something so you don’t know.

If you want to take such a profession, sorry you take care of it and are at least informed about its city.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rutscherlebnis

You mean it’s gonna be a local theme?

1 year ago
Reply to  Maxi170703

With a very high probability.If not, it may be child-friendly.)

1 year ago

You might just read some news, e.g. dayview to get a quick overview. But preparing you great for it is not the meaning of the thing.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maxi170703

But that’s exactly what it is.In public administration, starting training is presupposes that one has dealt with the city hall, the local politics a little.And he goes to the Clo…. there are hundreds of applicants for the public administration.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rutscherlebnis

I do not think that this can be done in short and short. It would have been necessary to show interest in politics over a longer period of time.

1 year ago

Well, but if it was just a directing party at the new fire department store in the district, then it would be a very good topic. Or that the local council has called for for for years ….xxy.And that can also be done in a short time.