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3 years ago

We don’t know, because they didn’t tell us. 😉

Something to “possible” is a sensation.

They probably just take it as given and live with it.


But I assume that this is of course also unpleasant to them when they freeze or get wet against their will at cooler temperatures. If, for example, they would “give” rain, they would not seek protection under the trees.

3 years ago
Reply to  Vogel9207

Thanks for the answer Waldmensch.

It wasn’t bad or meant as a “blurring”.

We cannot grasp the feelings of animals (even when they live wild and don’t let us get close enough to themselves) if they don’t just show them to the outside through appropriate behaviors.

I only know that the deer is looking for protection under trees, for example, in the case of rain, but whether this is a purely automatic behavior so that they do not become too wet and thereby freeze or whether it is from a “feeling out” (in the sense of: The roe thinks “I don’t like the rain”) happens, which is not recognizable for us from the outside.

One question would like to raise a squad for wild boar. Which food would you recommend to me.

Are you a hunter?

If not, you can’t just do that. Criminals have a certain (yesque) purpose and if you don’t practice the hunt there (maybe) then you don’t have it. And there are also relevant legal conditions and restrictions.

Why do you want to do that?

3 years ago

Then I can only recommend you to make the hunter responsible there, if necessary, together, as he should know the framework conditions that apply to you and therefore knows what to do and what not. Besides, you don’t come “to the cross”.

There are some things to consider. And this is also different depending on the federal state, as there can be further provisions/restrictions in the relevant state hunting laws that supplement the federal hunting law.

This relates to the quantity of culminations that may be applied to a specific area, the quantity and frequency of which may be applied there, the way and the feed can be applied there and of course also what is allowed as a loose food there at all.

For a Kirrung should not be an “illegal feeding” (wild must be fed only in emergency times determined by the state) but only serve to attract the respective animals.

3 years ago

So of course, I can’t know, but I assume that they don’t necessarily feel it as a nice time. Although they get winter fur, it wouldn’t surprise me if they were cold anyway and it would also cause problems if it was suddenly slippery somewhere. Food search is often difficult in winter, which is certainly not beautiful for such an animal.

3 years ago

I don’t like snow and belong to the genus of monkeys.